When you join ATD Greater Cleveland, you connect to professionals like yourself, expand your skills, and make new friends. Getting involved with our chapter is a great way to grow further, develop skills and relationships, and stay abreast of the latest trends within the workplace learning and performance arena. Here's what our members have to say:

I wanted to transition into the Training & Development field after a career as a middle school teacher. I knew that in addition to some great educational opportunities, they offered local chapter meetings where I would be exposed to current T&D issues and be able to network with other professionals. It was through that networking that I was actually referred to my current position!

- Training Coordinator

Becoming a member of Greater Cleveland ASTD* was the best move I made when I broke into the field of training & development. The opportunities for professional development and networking are unparalleled and without a doubt, have helped me get to where I am in my career as a trainer and instructional designer.

- Training Specialist

* Now ATD Greater Cleveland

ATD Greater Cleveland · 1931 King James Pkwy · Suite 122 · Cleveland ·OH · 44145


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